Tuesday 6 April 2010

Six of the best

If you have come anywhere near a media outlet today, you cannot fail to have noticed that the Prime Minister has called a general election for 6th May. It seems likely that we are about to have one of the biggest changes of MPs in recent history, with some pundits predicting that up to half the seats could find a new posterior sitting on them when parliament returns.

Whether you plan to stay up all night watching progress or go to bed and check the papers in the morning, a lot of Christians have asked who they should be watching out for on election night. We need people with character, wisdom, and integrity in ALL the parties now more than ever, and there are dozens of great Christian men and women standing for election or re-election this time round. So here, with a nod to cross party fairness and a massive disclaimer that they have been chosen almost entirely unscientifically, are my six contests to watch:

1) Gavin Shuker (Labour, Luton South)
The former seat of disgraced Labour MP Margaret Moran and being contested by eccentric TV presenter Esther Rantzen, the result in Luton South is anyone's guess. The Labour party have chosen a local young Christian leader, Gavin Shuker, to try and clean up their image. Gav's wife Lucie is also part of the 24-7prayer UK team. Verdict: prayer is exactly what they'll need, but he could just come through the expected media frenzy to win it.

2) Philippa Stroud (Conservative, Sutton and Cheam)
As head of the 'Centre for Social Justice' think tank, Philippa has been instrumental in bringing social policy and concern for poverty and families to the heart of David Cameron's new Conservative agenda. Now she gets a shot at a parliamentary seat in Sutton and Cheam where the Lib Dems hold a slim majority. Verdict: if she gets in, will be one of the most influential Christian MPs in the next parliament.

3) Steve Webb MP (Liberal Democrat, Thornbury and Yate)
Steve is one of the most liked and respected Christians in the current crop of MPs. Despite the disappearance of his Northavon constituency to boundary changes, he remains in a safe West country Lib Dem stronghold. Verdict: barring upsets he should be back; could suddenly find himself with a lot more influence in a close or hung parliament.

4) John Mason MP (SNP, Glasgow East)
Former baptist missionary and Glasgow Councillor John Mason won one of the most stunning by-election victories of all time when he took one of the safest Labour seats in the country for the SNP in 2008. Conventional wisdom gives him no chance, but that was equally true two years ago. Verdict: needs a miracle to hold on, but has a strong track record in the miracles department...

5) Andy Reed MP and Nicky Morgan (Labour/Conservative, Loughborough)
Loughborough in Leicestershire is a tight Lab/Con marginal; the type of seat where the election is going to be decided. Labour incumbent Andy Reed has been one of the quiet stalwarts of the current parliament (the cross party Christians in Politics and Christians in Parliament groups are run out of his Westminster office); challenger Nicky Morgan is a member of the Conservative Christian Fellowship. Verdict: c'mon Andy and Nicky: give us an uplifting example of political campaigning at it's very best; passionate yet filled with integrity and above reproach.

6) Nicola Blackwood (Conservative, Oxford West and Abingdon)
Liberal Democrat MP Evan Harris is one of Britain's best know militant atheists, and has been involved in much of the most anti-Christian legislation of the last decade. Nicola Blackwood is a young Christian activist who has helped shape the Conservatives' social action and international development programmes. On paper the 15% swing she needs to take the seat looks nigh on impossible. Verdict: David vs Goliath. If Nicola wins, even Evan Harris may believe that there is a God!